
Going through life-threatening illnesses, or watching our loved ones go through them is tough. At times we feel helpless, at other times we feel hopeless, and at other times we become numb. A diagnosis not only affects the patient, but the caregiver and the entire family. At Stage4 Ministries, we want to be a source of encouragement. Through the teaching ministry of pastor Steve Marquez and his book, we hope that this becomes a wellspring of hope as you are pointed in the direction of the Scriptures and to the God who breathed them. He is our source of encouragement, hope, and even joy, in the middle of such difficult circumstances. As we look to Jesus, we find strength that rises above the storms of life. Through His immanent presence and gracious love, we discover a courage that lifts us up regardless of how circumstances play out. The Bible tells us through the apostle, Paul, who suffered greatly,

“For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. But if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor; yet what I shall choose I cannot tell. For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better. Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you.” (Philippians 1:21–24)

We can see the struggle in him. It is the struggle we face in suffering. Which is better? To be alive here on earth, or to be with Jesus? The answer to that question is whether Jesus still has work for us to do or not. If we are still breathing, be encouraged, you are here for a reason.

Messages by pastor Steve Marquez at various churches. We pray that these are an encouragement to you. Please share with others who may also be blessed by them.

Launch Out Into The Deep

Have you ever been overwhelmed by your own sinfulness? Ever felt as if God could never use you because you have gone too far and you could never be forgiven, let alone blessed? There is good news. Jesus is willing to forgive you and then allow you to join Him on the great adventure of telling others of the forgiveness you have received and how they can also know Jesus. Take a chance, have faith in Christ, and see what great things He does in transforming your life. Listen as pastor Steve teaches from Luke 5:1-11 at Fervent, Las Vegas.

The Doctor Is In The House

Jesus cuts through the bone and marrow with His word and finds what ails us the most. Are you ready to be surprised by the healing touch of Jesus? What do you need healing from today? A catch, a cleansing, forgiveness, healing, and a transformed life. Listen as pastor Steve teaches from Luke 5 at the Calvary Chapel in Parker, Colorado.

To Live is Christ

When Steve faced death with little hope, he began to read Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation as travel brochures and it made him excited for heaven. As a cancer patient he would read Philippians 1:22 in two sections. The first was the good, the second the bad. GOOD: Living for Christ. He wanted to live. Then there was the BAD: to die… he didn’t want to go there. But then he finally realized that it wasn’t bad at all. In fact, it was full of hope. If we are living for Christ, one day, to die will be gain—we will see Jesus face to face! Listen to this encouraging message given at Calvary Chapel Santa Fe Springs, California.

The Lord is my Shepherd

Psalm 23 is probably one of the most quoted chapters in the entire Bible. It is quoted at funerals and at the bedsides of those who are going through the darkest of times in their lives. This psalm has brought comfort to many as they try to find meaning in their difficulties. The psalm is a journey. It is about a Shepherd who leads his flock from green pastures through the valley of the shadow of death to the house of the Lord forever. Listen as Steve gives a message of comfort and hope at The Anchor, Calvary Chapel San Pedro. It may just be time for you to begin your journey with the Good Shepherd.

Powerful, Passionate, Prayer

What can be accomplished in prayer? Lots of things. We have to keep in mind that whenever we ask for things that we might think are impossible, we are still asking beneath the power of God to accomplish it. Does that make sense to you? That the greatest thing that we can ever ask for is barely touching the power of God to accomplish it. Listen to this message of hope as Steve teaches from James 5:6.

Future and Hope

When your name comes before God, what else do you think comes to mind? If you are like most of us, you may think that God is out to get you, but he isn’t. Listen as Steve tells his inspirational story at Calvary Chapel in the Ozarks (Rogers, Arkansas) that will show you that God thinks good things about you, to give you a future and a hope!

Your Sins Are Forgiven

Jesus is teaching to a crowded house in Mark, chapter two, in the seaside town of Capernaum. Four friends carry their paralyzed buddy on a mat to see Jesus. When they can not get in the front door they go in through the roof! The man in the mat is lowered and something amazing happens! Find out more in this message by pastor Steve, given at Calvary Chapel Santa Fe Springs, California.

The Way of Intimacy

A message delivered at Calvary Chapel Parker, in Parker Colorado in 2016. At this point Steve’s doctors had said that there were no visible signs of cancer. He was this way for 2 years. Currently he has four sizable tumors in his lungs. (2 in each lung). He is still fighting and this message is still very relevant. Enjoy.

Rough Seas Ahead

Steve Marquez shares his testimony interwoven in scripture at Calvary Chapel Santa Fe Springs (California). What do you do when the storm is so bad that your boat is sinking? You look for Jesus and find Him sleeping! Listen as Steve shares about how the Lord brought great encouragement through his darkest hours.

Please click here if you would like to have pastor Steve speak at your next event, business, or church.