What We Believe

The Bible

The Bible is the word of God. It is inspired by Him and, therefore, inerrant and infallible. For the Christian, the Bible teaches convicts, corrects, and trains.


There is one God who exists eternally in three distinct Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Jesus Christ is fully God and fully human. Existing since the beginning, He came to the earth, born of a virgin. He lived a sinless life in accordance with the will of the Father, making Him the perfect sacrifice to atone for the sins of humanity by willfully being nailed to a cross to pay the penalty for our sins – a penalty that He did not owe. His death on the cross, subsequent resurrection, and ascension to the right hand of the Father make it possible for us to stand righteous in the eyes of God and able to enjoy a relationship with Him – if we so choose.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit, existing since the beginning, was sent to us following Jesus’ resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father. The Holy Spirit is our Helper, sent to help us realize that our inherent nature is sinful and that we need to be saved from the consequences of our sin. Upon being saved, the Holy Spirit seals the Christian and guides us into understanding of the Father’s will.

Humanity’s Fallen Nature

All people are sinful by nature – we violate God’s law and His will for us. This sin separates us from God and condemns us to the penalty of our sin – death. These are the consequence of our sinful nature. In spite of who we are, God loves us and has made a way for us to be delivered from the consequences of our sinful nature.


When we acknowledge our sin and recognize and believe that Jesus died to take upon Himself the consequences of our sin, we are able to ask for forgiveness from God and to have a change of heart that is accompanied by a change in our conduct. When we do this, we accept Jesus’ gift of salvation and receive the Holy Spirit to help us and guide us into a life that pleases God and that properly responds to the love that He has shown us.

Life After Death

We are all mortal. Our lives begin and they will end. The Bible is clear that we will all be judged for what we have done with the saving work of Jesus Christ. For those who have put their faith in Jesus, an eternity with the Lord awaits. For those who have refused to believe what God has said and what He has done, an eternity apart from the Lord and in torment awaits. God allows us to choose.